We Listened, Leaned In, Grew, and Belly-Laughed—A Look at Our ‘Redefine the Middle Third’ Day in LA


“The real reason we’re all here? These shoes.” 

Of course, that wasn’t the real reason Team Liberty Road gathered with over 150 women in Los Angeles last week. But as Nada joked and pointed to her stilettos (which she’d been coveting for months) in her opening chat, the vibe of the day came clear: We were there to have fun, to be raw, to lighten up, and to dig in. 

And we did just that—and more. 

Our ‘Redefine the Middle Third’ immersive experience was where Liberty Road came to life. We hosted a day and evening of workshops, intimate talks, live Q&As, mingling, and shopping in a tucked-in oasis in LA’s Highland Park neighborhood. The point of the day was to explore questions many of us are thinking but not asking aloud: What is this wild time of the middle third (or middle age, as many call it) all about? What’s my purpose? How do I make time for what matters? Am I the only one yearning for more?

Our friends took to the stage and chairs to help us see the light. The day started with some much-need wisdom from Faith Blakeney, followed by a conversation on changing the midlife narrative with Wendy Euler and Rachel Huges. Soon after, career and life coach Emma Whittard guided us to dig into what we want for ourselves. We then shopped and snacked before Celeste Liversidge, Amy Swift Crosby, and April Uchitel sat on the on-stage couch to talk about all the nuances of work today. We were brimming.

Dr. Pam King buoyed us with her workshop on purpose and intention as the day progressed. We then divided into groups to explore fitness, menopause, health, creativity, career, entrepreneurship, relationships, and advocacy work with Dr. Melissa Symington, Michele Canon, Jan McCarthy—and Celeste, Amy, April, and Rachel.

The evening culminated with a chat with New York Times bestselling author Elise Loehnen, who helped us see how patriarchal ways have conditioned each of us and how it’s our collective work to break free and reach for new heights.

If you were there, thank you for coming. You—truly, you!—made the day incredible. And if you weren’t there, know there’s so much more ahead. Explore After School, our soon-to-launch Masterclass for Midlife educational series, and watch for more immersive experiences in a city near you. 

A giant, heartfelt thanks to all the talent who came from near and far to teach us:

April Uchitel

Amy Swift Crosby

Elise Loehnen

Celeste Liversidge

Emma Whittard

Faith Blakeney

Wendy Euler

Rachel Hughes

Jan McCarthy

Michele Canon

Dr. Melissa Symington

Dr. Pam King

You can learn more about our incredible Marketplace vendors here and amazing goodie bag brands here.

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